



LC4 Chaise Longue这个奢侈的“放松机器”的故事始于1928年,当时三位年轻的建筑师,夏洛特·佩里安和皮埃尔·耶纳雷特重新想象了“长椅”。与经典的软垫形状不同,这款车采用了外露的金属底座和简约的设计。


Zuo Modern Petal lounge chair 500006另一个令人难以置信的流行设计是左现代的花瓣躺椅500006,与一个分割的背部和一个相匹配的花瓣形脚凳。


Karuselli Lounge ChairKaruselli躺椅_160;于1964年由_160;yrj_¶kukkapuro_160;设计。_160;目前由Artek制造,椅子由贝壳玻璃纤维和镀铬钢制成。此外,它是用皮革装饰的。



Womb Chair & Ottoman子宫椅和脚凳是同一年构思著名的伊姆斯休闲椅和脚凳。应佛罗伦萨·诺尔的要求,椅子“像装满枕头的篮子”一样。


Egg Lounge Chair via Fritz Hansen另一个标志性的椅子是一个著名的设计阿恩雅各布森。一个可爱的铝底座上的装饰茧,高高的背部和环绕的扶手深受许多人的喜爱。



Lounge Chair by Nico Klaeber现代设计师从历史悠久的躺椅中汲取灵感,以富有想象力的新造型向前迈进一步。

  Nico Klaeber的大椅子是为酒店和办公室设计的。站在圆形金属底座上,有一个滑动座椅和一个高靠背。你可以躺在它上面,它的内饰是一种浓重的绿色,看起来像是一种很重的口音。


Plateau chairPlateau chair designed byÂγErik Magnussen for Engelbrechts comes with a flat armrest that can hold a remote or a laptop. Equipped with an automatic return swivel mechanism the chair resemblesÂγsome sort of flower.

  What’s interesting, though, is that a flower didn’t inspire the chair at all. It was his own left hand thatÂγMagnussen used as a source of inspiration.


AtollÂγChaise LongueLong chairs are perfect for relaxation and sweet midday naps. Atoll is a modern chaise longue that is perfect for both. Designed by Patrick NorguetÂγand manufactured byÂγTacchiniÂγitÂγcomes with a single armrest and an exted seat that doubles as an ottoman.


Lounge Chair OpperGregoire de LafforestÂγcreated a unique long chair that combines a leather seatÂγinspired by the 70’s motorcycle saddles and a block of marble that acts as a chair base and a side table.

  ItsÂγsculptural aesthetic is only seemingly museum-like. TheÂγmulti-purpose design allows additional storage atÂγthe back of the table whileÂγeasy disassembly ensures portability.

Ducking Lounge Chair郑明泰的鸭式设计显然是一段对话。它的形状像一把普通的椅子,有一个加长的座椅,可以让你在几乎直立的情况下伸展双腿。

  ItÂγmay be functional, but it certainly looks like a surreal version of itself or like it was taken out of an absurdist artwork.

Lockheed Lounge by Marc NewsonMarc Newson‘s Lockheed Lounge is a unique long chair and not only because it sold forÂγmore than £2 million. Designed inÂγ1990 the chair was popularized byÂγMadonna’s music video and sold big in different editions.

  Named after anÂγaerospace company Lockheed looks positively spaceship-likeÂγinÂγits curvy metallic shell. It, however, bears more resemblance toÂγthe old-fashioned chaise longues than these other designs.


Enignum Lounge Chair by Joseph WalshJoseph WalshÂγis an interesting designer. The self-taught sculptor creates incredible furniture out of wood by stripping it intoÂγlayers and bing and molding it into intricate shapes.


Lounge Chair by Kyle Buckner DesignsUnusual lounge chairs are becoming more and more popular asÂγdesigners try to make their work stand out, make an impact. KBD loungeÂγby Kyle Buckner Designs made from 152 layers of pine woodÂγandÂγfiberglass is a perfect example.

  Resembling a heeled shoe the chair has an amazing wood texture shining through the glossy finish. Coupled withÂγleather seat pads it looks extra luxurious.

Bloom lounge chairBloom chair by Kenneth CobonpueÂγis hands-down one of the best chair designs ever. Unexpected but, oh, so gorgeous the chair’s bloom-shaped seat brings life itself to the interior.

  Its steelÂγbaseÂγlooks like a flowerÂγstem and theÂγmicrofiber seat is made withÂγhundreds of fine stitches.


Almora lounge chair by Doshi LevienDoshi Levien’s Almora chair looks like it would belong with the classics. Inspired byÂγa trip to Himalaya mountains the chair represents cold snow-capped peaks and you wrapped in a blanket.

  The result is a mid-century modern chairÂγwith an unusualÂγfunnel-shaped seat that envelops and a soft fuzzy headrest.

Variations Gravity Balans这种现代设计是为了鼓励机动性。人体工学设计,可调节,可移动,重力式皮夹允许坐在一个直立的位置,当你在办公桌上工作,并在休息时躺下和放松。

  由Hans Chr提出的概念。门绍尔,由彼得·奥普斯维克设计,椅子是办公椅和放松躺椅的完美结合。

RIMULA Lounge Chair by SpeculoozRIMULA isÂγnot your typical lounge chair. It’s not bigÂγand it doesn’t have that chaise longue shape. Although made of metal its fuzzy backrest and seat look soft and inviting.


Loft Shelly Shelly chair by Bernhardt DesignLoft Shelly Shelly is another minimalist lounge chair for those who like comfort but not withoutÂγbulky shapes. Its wooden shapeÂγwould probably look great in a mid-century modern interior.



Chair by Henrik Schulz明亮的椅子在装饰上很突出。它们强调颜色方案或强调中性房间,为它们添加尺寸。坐我就是这样一把椅子。

  Calling it “aÂγbaby seat for grown-ups” designer Henrik Schulz presents a chair in which you can curl, sit, and lean back. Available fromÂγSkandiformÂγit comes in a variety of bright colors in turn accented with contrasting printed cushions.

Hella Jongerius lounge chair by VitraHella JongeriusÂγhas designed an entire collection of colorful lounge chairs for Vitra.ÂγWith their bright upholstery and seat accents the chairs would fit many colors schemes. And their adorable streamlined shapes could work for any style from modern to retro.


Poli lounge chair by ProducksPoli Lounge Chair comes with anÂγinteresting semi-circular backrest and back legs that converge to support itsÂγreclining position. But it’s the fabric that makes it truly outstanding. WorkingÂγin a collaboration withÂγMika Barr,ÂγProducks developedÂγtwo-dimensional fabric withÂγa three-dimensional pattern that looks interesting and unusual.

  The only downside to lounge chairs is probably their cost. Most of these designs will set you back thousands of dollars. ItÂγis, however, a great opportunity to use your talents. Buy a cheaper chair and give it a makeover to personalize and make it unique.

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